My performance revolves around live coding, which involves creating music in real-time by modifying a sound program. In my case, this program, called été, is custom-made to combine sound synthesis and visuals. It intersects various disciplines: interface design, net art, the connections between language/sound/visuals, and performative typography. I also believe that my approach to digital material (transparent, embracing error, critical) can engage a broad audience while offering unique visual and auditory experiences.
Ma performance s’articule autour du live coding, c'est-à-dire de l’écriture musicale en temps réel, en modifiant un programme sonore. Dans mon cas, ce programme qui s’appelle été, est fait sur-mesure pour combiner synthèse sonore et visuels. Elle se trouve au croisement de plusieurs disciplines: l’interface, le netart, les liens langage / son / visuels, la typographie performative. Je pense aussi que mon approche de la matière numérique (transparente, acceptant l’erreur, critique), peut intéresser un public large tout en proposant des formes visuelles et sonores singulières.
Performances à venir
Upcoming dates
- Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!Nothing planned. Check my news page, or invite me to play!
Performances passés
Passed dates
- VIU 2024 (Barcelona, ES)
- Future Off (Angoulème, FR)
- Mains d’œuvre (Saint-Ouen FR)
- Le Zorba (Paris, FR)
- Grrrnd zero (Vaulx-en-velin, FR)
- p-node (radio)
- station-station (radio)
- Fanfare, (Amsterdam, NL)
- OpenOpen (Cambrai, FR)
Please write to bonjour at raphaelbastide dot com
If you are looking for my dry wave band ZONE, follow this link.
M’inviter à jouer
Merci d’écrire à bonjour at raphaelbastide dot com
Si vous cherchez mon groupe de dry wave ZONE, suivez ce lien.